BBKTA Planning Tools Project

CLIENT: Bakgatla Ba Kgafela Traditional Administration

The Bakgatla Ba Kgafela Traditional Administration (BBKTA) covers over 110 000 ha of the North West Province in South Africa. It is comprised of 32 rural villages and is seated at the village of Moruleng on the mountain fringe of the Pilanesberg National Park. Mining, manufacturing and commercial agriculture developments at BBKTA in recent years have stimulated urban infrastructure development across the region. In particular, the potential for a new central business district has prompted the flagship “Moruleng City” initiative which has already seen the construction of a Stadium, Regional Shopping Centre, Administration Headquarters, Cultural Precinct and supporting bulk infrastructure in the heart of Moruleng.

In the absence of fundamental base data and development policy to sufficiently plan and design for future growth, the BBKTA commissioned the “Planning Tools & Urban Development Plan Project” in 2013 to SATPLAN ALPHA and Moiloa Office of Architecture & Design (MOAD). The combination of high accuracy spatial datasets (Planning Tools), development planning strategy and urban design have culminated in the Administration’s first series of Urban Development Plans (UDPs) aligned to village clusters.

Outputs: GIS & Survey Imagery Planning Tools

  • Aerial Survey (Imagery + Lidar + Thermal)
  • Wall-to-Wall GIS Layers & Database
  • Community-assisted Village Demarcations
  • Community-assisted Land Use Ground Survey (47 Local Surveyors – Mobile GPS)
  • Lidar enabled Flood Risk Model
  • Thermal Imagery enabled Groundwater Hydrocensus

Outputs: Spatial Development Framework & Policy

  • Urban Development Plans per BBKTA Cluster (7)
  • Moruleng City Urban Development Framework
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